Georgetown Presbyterian Church was awarded two competitive grants that will enhance its mission and ministry outreach.
A Delaware Community Foundation capital grant in the amount of $19,322 will fund needed renovations to the church basement, with the goal to create a a welcoming place. The basement is currently used by nonprofits with limited budgets. Addressing the basement floors is the first step. Water that seeps onto the floor when it rains interrupts the ability to hold meetings. Funds will be used to purchase an industrial dehumidifier, install a new drainage system and waterproof the floors.
Awarded by the Ignite Fund of the New Castle Presbytery, a $6,000 technology grant is supporting enhancements to the sanctuary’s sound and camera system, vital to streaming the worship service. The goal is to create a blended worshiping community of virtual and in-person members and friends. This necessitates the ability to host clear, audible and interactive worship services without internet interruptions. Ignite is an initiative of the presbytery to invigorate congregations for loving the world actively and effectively.
Founded in 1859, Georgetown Presbyterian Church, PC(USA) seeks to serve Christ by serving others. Mission work is a cornerstone. GPC strives to be responsive to the needs of others and seeks to care for ones who are often forgotten or disenfranchised. Its emergency homeless shelter ministry began in 2006. Worship services are held at 10 a.m., Sundays, with communion services on the first Sunday of the month. For more information, contact Pastor Lisa Salita at 302-856-6842.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.